Tuesday, May 30

Once again, my reputation preceeds me. . .

Well, chalk it up to. . .


I talked to my friends, "the pastors," about my, uh, slip-the other night.

And there is a lesson for me in all of this. I know it.

I just can't quite recall it right now. But it's in there.

Yeah? The f-bomb? Eh. I'm over it.

Pretty much anti-climactic admitting my faults-er-slips-er-things.

You know?

I mean, it did prove to me that things I do are usually a bigger deal than I think they are.

Go fig.

But good that I was real with people. Two of the three people standing near me didn't even get that I said that word.

Yet again, go figure.

Someday things will be different. Someday.

Oh, how I love springtime.

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