Monday, May 15

It's that time again

You know, it's been a few weeks since my last nervousness hit me. And it's hitting me. Again. Things are coming down to the wire. I need to get to Indiana and I am running out of money again. I hate money. I will be so glad to have a steady job. Man, what a blessing!

I have a little over just enough to get me to Indiana. Hey Megan! You wanna put all your eggs in one basket? Yes. Yes I do. (Nervous laugh.)

So, I figure it's time to put my myspace on here. I always hate linking things like that, I like to play things more aloof online really. But this time, I'm over it.

Meg's Myspace <------- Check it out. Comment. Leave some love. Whatev.

I am chillin', tryin' to get some stuff done so's I can leave.

Please keep me in your prayers, you guys.

God, you know what I need. I trust you. Just keep speaking to me and guiding me. I know I'll be fine. Thanks for everything you do to keep me protected and provided for. I love you.

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