Sunday, October 30

Pork at 4:45?!?!

Tonight the kitchen crew made dinner by the time on the clock not realizing that we didn't set the clocks back one hour. So we just had dinner at nursing home hours. Holla.

I fell yesterday and really hurt my knee. It's all bruised and swollen. Marja-Liisa, Nathan, Erin and myself hiked up to the prayer chapel and shot a BB Gun at Dixie Cups. Sweet! It was fun. When we were walking back, we walked up to very steep four to five foot drop and ran down it. I was the last one and fell. On. My. Face. And then flipped over onto my back. It hurt. I am all bruised and swollen at the knees.

Plus, Yesterday we did Pilates and my frickin' abs hurt!! Ugh. I was carrying my laundry basket earlier and I about cried because it hurt so badly to carry it. My arms hurt too, but hey... No pain. No Pain. Yeah, you read correctly.

The mountains rock!!

Friday, October 21

Hello Boulder!

Tomorrow we are going to go to Boulder and get some mad, rad sushi. I cannot wait to hang out in the city again.

Did you know that Boulder, Colorado is the least churched city in the whole world??

And it's kind of creepy.

But, I really love it there. Organic foods, sushi, and Cheesecake Factory. Holla.

On Sunday, I'm off to jail.

I love Jesus. I love YWAM. I love my DTS Mates.

Becca found a place to live and I am so psyched. She is staying in the basement of this really eccentric lady. It should be an interesting experience.

I am really proud of her obedience to God. It is totally paying off for her. Go Becca!

Thursday, October 20

I am going to prison

On Sunday, we are going to Albequerque to stay at a church and do prison ministry. We are going to do dramas, dance and share testimonies. I am so stoked! I have never done anything like this before, and it is going to be amazing!

Please be praying for us as we head out to do this in a long van ride, like 17 people each. Crazy!

My presentation was so cool! My Aussie friends helped me out by acting in it for me. They were a yuppie couple obsessed with materialistic things and the guy rejects the message of Christ, but the girl lets me take the blindfold (scales) off of her eyes and share the cross with her.

I got heaps of encouragement about it and I was totally excited.

I cannot wait to go to Albequerque!!

Monday, October 17

I can see clearly now...

This weekend was crazy! Boulder, Colorado is the coolest place ever! Some friends and I got to go there on Saturday night. It was really cool. The sushi was fantastic! I think I was in heaven. I was in a real city hanging out for a change. It was refreshing.

I have a creative presentation due tomorrow on "Boldness v. Fearfulness," and my Aussie friends are going to act in it. I am so stoked to see what happens, but I am also a little annoyed about it. I am doing it at the last minute and I want it to be good.

Becca came up and stayed all night alst night and it was cool. We had fun. I took her out to lunch and then I went and bought some sweaters I got cheap and a pair of Airwalk shoes that look like real CROCS. CROCS are like foamy, plasticy clogs thatare soooooo huge here. Everyone in CO has a pair. I was so blessed on Friday and I have to say it feels good to finally be able to bless others like I wanted to back earlier this year. Although I wouldn't trade what I went through for anything!

I can see clearly now the rain is gone. It seems to be making a lot more sense as to why I went through what I went through this last year. I needed to listen to what God was saying and obey more than I did for sure. I should have listened, but God's wonderful grace has sustained me and redeemed my life. I finally listened (about coming to do a DTS,) and God has blessed me like it was the first time he told me. I am so excited!!!

Even though today I am really tired.

I love sushi.

Saturday, October 15


In less than two hours yesterday I had almost $6, 000!!!

Check out my audiopost.

Friday, October 14

Tuesday, October 11

It's Crunch Time

Hey guys! God is so awesome! There is some amazing stuff happening. God literally is blowing me away. It's kind of hard to explain it all, like I can't even put into words how I am changing. God is bringing my character to light and helping me to change what needs to be changed into his character. I am being healed. I am being encouraged. I am growing closer to the Lord than I ever have been before. I love him so much!

The director of the school pulled me into his office today with my small group leader. I still only have half of my tuition paid and it is due next Friday, along with half of my outreach. Only one check has come in in the last three weeks. A lot of people said they would support me financially, and maybe everyone is just forgetting to send checks in or call in their pledge on their credit card.

I am not really that upset because I know that I am where I am supposed to be. God is doing amazing things in me. I already feel like a new person, like my life is just beginning, like this is what God has been preparing me for the last couple of years. I know that he will provide for me.

Here is my need:

$1595 for my tuition by Friday, October 20
$600 or $1600 for outreach by Friday, October 20 (It's up to God where I go. Mexico is cheaper, but South Africa is where my heart is.)

The amount for outreach is only half. I will need a total of $1200 for Mexico and $3200 for South Africa.

Those are the amounts I need. Please pray that God will honor his promise to provide for me. I was told today that if I don't have the money in the next week and a half, we will have to discuss leaving; however, I believe that God is going to bless this because I am truly doing it for him and not for me.

Please pray that God would provide the money that I need, if not through you then through someone else!

Email me for any more information you need.

Thank you!!

Saturday, October 8

There's a mouse in my house

So, our room has a mouse in it. And he's a chocoholic. He ate some Swiss chocolates (literally from Switzerland) from the room next to ours, and then he came into our room last night and tried to eat into my Toblerone bar. Luckily, my roommate and I had finished it last night and it was just the box in my purse! Whew! But that means that the little bugger had to climb into my purse to get to it. Gross. Welcome to The Middle of Nowhere. Haha!

I have had a crazy week. A long week. God taught me a lot about leadership this week. It has been amazing to see that happen, too. One day in class the Director's wife, Donna, shushed me. In front of everyone. I was completely humiliated. I cried right there sitting at my desk. Stupid Satan. He's been on my case ever since I got here in one way or another. And this was the icing on the cake. So, I talked to my small group leader about it. (I love leadership structre now.) And she advised me to talk to Donna about it.

Yeah, right.

But God wouldn't let me settle because of fear. How is Donna going to know that she hurt my feelings and that isn't the best way to deal with me if I don't tell her? So, I mustered up the courage, through a lot of prayer during worship the next morning, to talk to her about it.

And it was amazing.

She actually asked my forgiveness about having hurt me. I am trying to remember if any leader has ever done that to me before. Praise God for humility! I think maybe some have, but I really just can't think of any leaders that have immediately asked for forgiveness before. It's crazy. Anyway, I was completely restored in that. God totally spoke to me about being a leader when that happened. It was amazing! I was totally excited.

I have been praying for a dear brother in Christ of mine and I heard yesterday that my prayers have been answered! Restoration between him and another friend may be coming. At least a step happened. So, God rules in that!

Yeah, and the other day I found $50 taped to my door with my name on it. God loves us so much!

I must work on my studies now. Thanks for your prayers!

Monday, October 3

Holiness is what I long for?

So, today our very first speaker came to teach us. He's an Aussie. So cool! Um, but I about had a cow when he began talking about holiness. I guess my Nazzys back home must have been praying for me to be wiser about that. Haha!

I had lunch with him and that was really cool! Five Students get to have a meal with the speaker every day and it is so cool because you get to share a side you're not going to get in class.

I found out today that more of my tuition money has come in, and that is such a blessing! Thank you guys so much for supporting me guys!

I will share more later with you, but I need to let my classmates get to this computer.

Saturday, October 1

Elks is cool

Oh man! We did some pretty cool stuff today. We went to Estes Park, CO and walked around town checking out stores. I tried some amazing salt water taffy. It was so good. I also introduced my new Aussie friends to some American snacks that they haven't tried before. Like salt water taffy. It was funny. We all really liked it.

My friend Sheryl gave me some sunglasses today which was such a blessing because mine broke like the day before we left.

I was really missing my crew from Ohio this morning for some reason, and so I cried like all morning. But then my small group leader came up and talked to me and I felt better. She prayed for me too. It was cool.

I got cell phone service when we went to Estes Park and so I made a few phone calls. It made me feel better. I love hearing from them all.

We went to a golf course when in Estes and we saw elk like really close up. I mean really close up. One female even started running toward me and made me jump. It was funny. It's mating season and she was trying to get away from a bull who was checking her out. I was literally like five yards from a male elk. It was so awesome! Those things are huge!

Tomorrow, I am going to a church right by the Arvada base called Faith Bible Chapel. I am pretty stoked too. I'm ready for some cool worship. We have worship through music like every other day here. It's so rad!

Soon our speakers will start and we can really dig deep into what God wants for our lives and I totally excited about that. I have really bonded with some of my DTS Mates here and I am excited to see those relationships grow deeper through God's refining.

Thanks to all my supporters who have taken the time and made the sacrifice in order to help me be trained up and prepared for full-time service to Jesus. I am so thankful for your obedience to God.

For those of you that got my brochure and didn't feel led to support me, I am so thankful to you for listening to God and choosing to obay him in this. Thank you for your strength.

All right kids, I gotta go bond more.
